Summer Upload Contest 2020 Winners Announced
Got the 5th edition of the Summer Upload contest we again received many more items then the year before.
We have to say, this year there was a very large difference among the different categories, while some had hundreds of great items uploaded, other categories just had a hand full of items submitted.
The winners will receive some nice cash in their Codester account and the #1 of every category will receive Competition winner badge on their Codester profile!
We would like to thank everybody who has uploaded their work this summer!
Scripts & Code
1. LaraPass v1 – Your Personal Password Manager

2. eLearn – Online Learning Management System

3. Smart Blog – Blog PHP Script

App Templates
1. Food Delivery App – Ionic 5 With Firebase

2. Voice Translator – Android Source Code

3. Five Minutes Recipes – iOS Source Code

1. Fabrx UI Kit Pro For Bootstrap

2. Membershiply WordPress Theme

3. MovieAsap – WordPress Theme for Movies And TV Show

1. WC Product Survey – WooCommerce Plugin

2. Auctions For WooCommerce

3. Listing Ticker Plugin For Osclass

1. Date Way- Dating App UI – PhotoShop PSD

2. Penguin Airlines E-Ticket – Adobe Photoshop App UI

3. 1500 Miscellaneous Color Icons

Congratulations to all the winners and many thanks to all authors who have uploaded their work during the contest!
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