Android App Templates & Source Codes
Discover 2280 Android Templates & Source Codes. These templates & source codes feature full Android Studio or Eclipse projects that can be easily modified and used to create and launch your own Android app.
Android App Templates & Source Codes
Buying Android app templates allows you to create Android apps and Android games faster as most of the programming work has already been done. This saves hours of work. All Android app templates contain complete Android Studio projects and can be easily compiled with Android Studio.
Using Android Studio the app templates can be easily edited to your own liking and if you already have experience with developing Android apps, you can even add new features yourself as all templates contain the full source code of the app.
All Android app templates have documentation included with instructions to change basic elements of the app. For example for changing the layout and graphics and adding Admob ads, if this is supported.
After making adjustments to the app and compiling the app with Android Studio you can upload your app to Google Play.
Buy Android app templates and start publishing your own apps today.