App Templates & Source Codes
Discover 6306 App Templates & Source Codes. These app templates include source code for iOS, Android, Unity, Corona, Cordova, Ionic, Buildbox and more. Get your app template and create and launch your app today.
App Templates & Source Codes
Building a mobile app from scratch can be very expensive and time-consuming. By buying app templates you can safe months of development work and thousands of dollars.
With over a few thousand app templates available on Codester there are many types of app templates to choice from. These include templates for Android and iOS, but also templates for hybrid mobile development platforms like Xamarin, Ionic, Unity and Buildbox.
Hybrid mobile development platforms allow you to create an app for multiple mobile OS using one project/source code. Making the project easy to maintain and saving a lot of extra development work for creating a mobile app separately for each mobile OS. For example Xamarin can compile an Android version, but also a iOS version of an app using the same project.
All app templates contain documentation which explains how to change basic elements in the UI and how to add ads like Admob for example if these are supported. All apps can be easily reskinned. This means that the graphics/layout can be easily changed to make an unique looking app.
App templates contain the full source code of the app. This means that if you are a developer you can easily change any element of the app or add new features to the app if you want.
After you have finished making changes to your app you can easily publish your app to the App Store or Google Play.
Buy app templates and create your own app in just a fraction of the original development time.