Excellent Dynamics@excellentdynamics

Development & Design WordPress Premium Themes

Author Level 1: Sold between $1 - $100 worth of items Contributor: Contributed a Free File of the Week Featured item: Has had an item featured
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About Excellent Dynamics

There are thousands of themes out there and many of them promise to solve all your problems at once. There is nothing wrong with it as long as the market demands such themes. But, I believe there is a better approach.

A perfect theme should be unique, design-driven, and tailored to a specific niche. This means less design (in a good way), less code, less customization, and more freedom for actually creating content and reaching your audience.

You shouldn’t spend three hours drag-and-dropping the layout before launching your website. Instead, you should install a theme, make a couple of tweaks, and start adding your posts and pages.

Those are the kind of themes I’m building here. 

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