Easy Client Management Using PythonEasy Client Management Using Python
Easy Client Management Using Python is a simple and easy to use Management SystemEasy Client Management Using Python
Easy Client Management Using Python is a simple and easy to use Management SystemOverview
Easy Client Management Using Python is a simple and easy to use Management System. This is complete solution for Add Update delete and serach Client in Database Mysql giving some good service to Management your clients.
Login Gui Interface
Management Client Interface
you Can Add new client, Serach ,Update Client with you Id ,Delete any Client
show The Total Number Client In dataBase
Tkinter module to be installed
Download python and install it for free if you are not already have one from here
Install Tkinter librairie and Install Local_Server Exmple wamp
Extract .zip file
now you are ready to use our scripts
Change the Information to you server in script
Create DataBase and Import the file .sql
Run the projects