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Cube Surfing - Hyper Casual Unity GameCube Surfing - Hyper Casual Unity Game
Cube Suring Top Trending Hyper Casual Game

Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Casual

Cube Surfing - Hyper Casual Unity Game
Cube Suring Top Trending Hyper Casual Game

3 Support questions or comments
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Jun 12, 2022Hello @elkanfaoui I would like to ask you a question about cube surfing. I am interested in the Asset, however I need to create 100 levels. The query is based on the way the game was created, it could carry out a procedural growth of levels and difficulty, managing variables such as advance speed, frequency of obstacles, etc. This is so as not to have to create level by level, but through a curve of change of variables x level.
Regards, Franco.
Apr 29, 2021zodyak PurchasedHi
can I purchase from Morocco
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May 13, 2021elkanfaoui AuthorWe appreciate it !
May 20, 2021zodyak PurchasedHi can you show me how to change collectables cubes please
May 21, 2021zodyak PurchasedI DID IT THANKS