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Jewelry World - Ionic ThemeJewelry World - Ionic Theme
Jewellery World / Shop is an IONIC framework theme developed based on SASS.Home / App Templates / Ionic / Themes

Jewelry World - Ionic Theme
Jewellery World / Shop is an IONIC framework theme developed based on SASS.
Jewellery World / Shop is an IONIC framework theme developed based on SASS.
Some screen name examples are displayed below:
- User Interaction Screens with Signup and Login.
- User Location screen with current and manual location functionality.
- Dashboard screen.
- Interactive Side menu with multi level accordion categories.
- Product List with Filter and Sorting.
- Product Search.
- Shopping Cart Update.
- It is a SASS based template.
- Used Material Design.
- CSS Animations.
- Sliding Banners.
- Side menu with all categories in accordion view and user account.
- Each section is separated in different controller and services for easy reusability.
- All data are fetched from different dummy JSON objects. You just need to replace the demo data with real data.
- Fully fledged E-commerce Functionality.
- Product listing with flip add to cart icon.10)Immediate Quantity change on add to cart.
- Product filtration with multiple basis like Brand, Price, Discounts etc.
- Product Sorting with title and price.
- Cart link with floating icon on every screen showing the total no of items.
- Cart update with items add remove.
- Checkout Address Selector with add more billing and shipping address.
- Delivery option selector with Shipping methods, Date and Time.
- Coupon redeem interface on place order screen.
- Multiple payment method selector on place order screen.
- 19) Category Toggle option available in the side menu section for the easy toggling between the categories and the user option section like (change password,view orders,edit profile etc).
- Ionic Version 1.3x
- You can test the app using Ionic View (ID: 84424663).
Other items by this author
Category | App Templates / Ionic / Themes |
First release | 8 September 2016 |
Last update | 8 September 2016 |
Files included | .css, .html, Layered .png, .apk, .xml, Javascript .js |
Operating Systems | iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Tags | Ionic Framework, Ionic Template |