Groups Tracking Website Node.js - Firebase readyGroups Tracking Website Node.js - Firebase ready
Firebase deployment ready, node.js source code for a groups tracking website.
Groups Tracking Website Node.js - Firebase ready
Firebase deployment ready, node.js source code for a groups tracking website.
Demo website:
You need to travel in groups and track each other's location on the map? You need to monitor your city buses or company trucks' location on the map? You need
to monitor your company's mobile devices' location?
This website can do it for you. No need to install any software on your computer or cell phone. Just use computer or cell phone's browser to go to this website and create a group id and name. It's that simple!
You can also mirror your iPhone & Android onto Apple CarPlay for group tracking.
1. You need a maptiler API key for the openstreet map style. The default API key is FfF7uHtK81tulkAoNJXn. It's used in /public/groupstracking.js file. If the API key expires for some reason, you need to register a new one for yourself to use. Here is the URL to register and create a free API key: https://cloud.maptiler.com/account/keys/.
2. In firebase, you need to join a plan for using functions. Then you need to invoke this function:
   Go to the cloud function tab
   Select your cloud function (check box)
   Click "Add members" under Permissions tab in the right side
   Enter "allUsers" under "New memebers"
   Select Role as "Cloud Functions -> Cloud Functions Invoker"
3. To protect privacy, the location on the map is about 8km fuzzy. You can change the code to show the exact location on the map. Contact us for details.
Company website:
1. Track several groups at the same time at real time on
the global map. No need to install any software, hardware or equipment
on your truck, car, computer or cell phone. When you want to do groups
tracking, just use a computer or cell phone's browser to go to this
website and choose a group. It's that simple!
2. You do NOT need to buy any GPS tracking devices. If you
already installed GPS tracking devices on your trucks or cars, this
plugin can be a backup or plan B when those GPS tracking devices are broken.
3. You can track the approximate or exact location. You can change the code to show the exact location on the map. Contact us for details.
4. If you do not open this website, you will not be tracked. This
can protect your privacy. Groups tracking using a browser has some
advantages over other GPS equipment tracking systems. User can close the
browser to finish the tracking. This is very important because
sometimes it is prohibited to track employees outside of work hours.
Some other GPS equipment tracking systems need to install some GPS
tracking equipment on the vehicle. So employees are tracked outside of
work hours, which is prohibited in some countries.
node.js, a free firebase account