SEO Auto Pages - WordPress PluginSEO Auto Pages - WordPress Plugin
Increase Number of Website Pages by Hundreds! Auto Pages are Created by Highlighting Known Keywords from Existing Pages/Posts.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
What Versions of Wordpress does the “SEO Auto Pages” Plugin Support?
The “SEO Auto Pages” Plugin works for Wordpress Versions 4.0 to 5.6. It will probably work for future 5.6+ Versions but it hasn't been tested with them.
How do I Highlight a Keyword to Create an Auto Page?
You must Both Bold and Italic the Keyword. Say you Highlight the Keyword “Car”, it would then appear as Car. Then click [Update] Post/page. Then when you View the Post/Page that Keyword will become a Link to it’s Auto Page.
Why does my Definition Content Stall or Not Load?
It could be that your Website is Not Connected to the Internet.
My Auto Page doesn’t pull in Any Definition Content
That means the Auto Definition Page didn’t return any Definition Online API Content. You can still keep the Auto Page as a List of where this Keyword Appears. But if you want to Remove it Edit your Page/Post and Unhighlight (Remove Bold/Italic) that Keyword and click on [Update].
My Auto Page pulled in the Wrong Definition Content
Sometimes when you go to an Auto Page, there is Wrong Definition Content.
For example if you Highlight the Keyword "SEO" the Auto Page Definition may be an alternate definition to “SEO” and not what you want. In this case Edit your Page/Post and Unhighlight (Remove Bold/Italic) that Keyword and click on [Update].
For example if you Highlight the Keyword "SEO" the Auto Page Definition may be an alternate definition to “SEO” and not what you want. In this case Edit your Page/Post and Unhighlight (Remove Bold/Italic) that Keyword and click on [Update].
I want to change the path /site-index to something else
The Site Index Page Path has to remain as “/site-index”.
Do I have to use the “Google Sitemap Generator” Plugin?
The “SEO Auto Pages” Plugin works well with the “Google Sitemap Generator”. For a better chance for Google to Crawl your Auto Pages URL’s Submit the following Sitemap to your Google Search Console:
But you don’t have to. You can just Rely on linking to “/site-index” from your Top Nav Menu and see if Google Crawl’s it.
But you don’t have to. You can just Rely on linking to “/site-index” from your Top Nav Menu and see if Google Crawl’s it.
How do I uninstall the “SEO Auto Pages” Plugin?
Go to your Plugins Page:
Find “SEO Auto Pages” and click [deactivate]
Find “SEO Auto Pages” and click [deactivate]
I can’t find my “SEO Auto Pages” Auto Pages URLs in Google Search
For you to find your Auto Pages URLs in Google Results you need to have followed the Instructions, including the Optional Instructions. It may take Days or even Weeks for Google to Spider your Website and the Sitemap we mentioned. Once Google has spidered both your Website (menu links) and the Sitemap your Auto Pages URLs will be found in Google Searches.
Can I style the Auto Pages and Site Index Page?
Sure, you can overwrite the CSS styles on these pages in your Theme’s style.css file. Just note that you should use the phrase “!important” next to the styles to make sure you override our Plugin styles.
Category | Plugins / WordPress / SEO |
First release | 1 February 2021 |
Last update | 24 May 2022 |
Supported CMS | WordPress 4.4, WordPress 4.3, WordPress 4.2, , WordPress 4.0, WordPress 4.5, WordPress 4.6, WordPress 4.7, WordPress 4.8, WordPress 4.9, WordPress 5.0 |
Files included | .php, .css |
Tags | wordpress, generator, SEO, plugin, content, creator, import, keywords, meta tags, title, description, wikipedia, generate, miscellaneous |